Friday, February 23, 2007

I Said I'm Sick!

Still sick. And I have to tell you, it doesn't happen too often that Dawn and I get the same bug from one another. We have been sick at the same time before (in fact I think this time last year if I recall correctly) but it is very rarely the same bug. How do I know it is the same bug? Because it followed the exact same path of destruction through our respective bodies. Dawn felt sick on Thursday, and by Friday night she was feverish and just feeling crappy. I started this path on Monday, and by Tuesday I was so sick that if I had a job, I'd call in sick. And it started for Dawn with just a headache and runny nose, and turned into a real headcold after that, with sinus pain and a hacking, from-the-depths-of-the-ends-of-the-bottom-of-your-lungs cough, which continues until you can somehow eject from yourself the evil-demon phlegm that inhabits your chest. And I have gotten to the apex of this "flu". I think. I don't want to stay up anymore. I've been trying to spend time with Dawn because she feels crappy and we see less and less of each other lately, but now I just want to go to bed the minute she gets home and has supper. Abby and Jason want us to come over tomorrow night: I don't know if I'll make it that far. And on Sunday we have a date with the Rebke Wedding party via webcam, and after that Jordan will be over to continue our sickness-riddled recording venture. We've missed at least 3 sessions due to illness, two last week. Swiss time is running out...

I also found out this week that John Mayer will be touring Canada starting in April. And he's gonna be in Edmonton. And I will not be there. That sucks. So I emailed him and told him to get his butt over to Seoul. I also should've told him to update his stupid blog...

's been almost a month...

"Oh but I'm on tour..." yeah whatever...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the webcam meet folks. When do I tell you that I've gotten the dreaded bug 3 times since October...yup, same course of action. Ryan seems to be immune to it, though. Funny how that works.

I'm not going to the John Mayer concert to get you a t-shirt. You'll just have to wait to see him when you come home.


Anonymous said...

someday, i want to use the line ' if i had a job, i'd be callin in sick '

- Colin